Due to the fact that larger number of migrants prefer to live in Europe, Turkey and the neighbouring and member states of the European Union have been in the position of receiver countries of immigrants in the recent years. This process and situation has led teachers to be caught unprepared for teaching in multi-ethnic classes. There are not any available standard programmes designed or initiated by the ministries of education that can be applied in such cases of mass immigration. Various educational programmes and trainings have been already provided for teachers, trainers and educators in the affected countries regarding the education and training of migrant and refugee children, but these activities and programmes were not sufficient and the problem was not solved. The need to strengthen teachers’ competences – such as classroom management, empathy and intercultural learning in the light of successful practices – has emerged recently. At the same time, refugee and migrant students have to adapt to their new lives and the education and training process in the host countries. It is clear that this need will only be met through the transfer of successful implementations of education and training programmes, activities and tools. The feedbacks received from teachers working in multi-ethnic environment shows that the seminars and other educational programmes organised before were not successful enough.
The project was aimed at creating guidebook that enable both the partner organisations and other European institutions to transfer successful practices developed by them in order to educate students with refugee and migrant background. Those good practices along with the results of the project are distributed among local and international stakeholders and disseminated throughout events within the project or organised by the partners of the consortium. By this means, the consortium aimed at introducing the teachers to the successful practices and to put these practices into effect thanks to the guidebook regarding the education of students having refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Teachers, educators, trainers and youth workers are the main target groups of the project which envisages to have a sustainable impact on them.
Project working groups were set up in order to evaluate the successful practices for refugee students’ education, to get teachers’ and trainers’ views and suggestions, to put good practices into effect, and to prepare the guidebook that provides concrete solutions to the problems teachers are facing.
The project working groups assessed and evaluated on site the successful practices of each project partner regarding the education of refugee students. These groups received and processed opinions of teachers and evaluated their suggestions. Based on the suggestions and the existing practises, the consortium prepared the guidebook for teachers. Teachers, educators, trainers and youth workers are encouraged to access the project outputs and to use the methods and background information provided in the guidebook.
All materials are free to access and use.